Energy-Smart Homes

The California Energy-Smart Homes Program is a residential new construction and alterations program that provides incentives to adopt advanced energy measures and transition to all-electric construction. The program is an all-in-one solution that offers incentives for single family, duplex, townhome, multifamily low-rise, alterations, and accessory dwelling units.

The Energy-Smart Homes Program is available to utility customers in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE®) electric territories.

The program supports California’s focus on building electrification to meet its climate objectives.


The Energy-Smart Homes Program provides financial incentives for the following project types.

Whole Building Electrification

California Energy-Smart Homes All-Electric Logo and an icon of a lightning bolt overlayed on top of a photo of a single-family house

All-Electric New Construction

New construction projects designed to be all-electric

California Energy-Smart Homes All-Electric Logo and an icon of a Hammer and Wrench overlayed on top of a photo of a mini split heat pump

Whole Building Electrification Alterations

Single family and multifamily low-rise whole building alteration projects